Wood Grain
Wood grain painting
Catholic Studies 10
Head on over to our google classroom for this weeks supplemental learning.
April 20-14 Supplemental Learning
Good morning!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and that you were able to celebrate safely.
Firstly, if you are a parent of a student in my Catholic Studies 10 class, please check with them to make sure they are checking their school email addresses for information each week. If someone is not receiving these emails weekly or are unable to access any accounts please contact me immediately because after this week I will just email students.
This week my office hours for this class will be Wednesday 11:30- 12:00 am. I will post the link to the live Google Meet video chat on Google Classroom if you would like to join just before 11:30 am. If you would like to chat and this time doesn’t work for you, please feel free to schedule a time with me that will work better for you, and if you need help with Google Meets please let me know.
Note regarding Google Meets: Please, I ask that when you come on Google meets that you treat it as professional time as if we were talking face to face at school. If there is anything inappropriate happening, I will ask that you resolve it before continuing the conversation. Please sit up at a table or desk so I can properly see you, and away from lots of noise or commotion. This is time that I hope you will be able to use properly. Please email with any questions or concerns.
This week I will be gauging the involvement and interaction of this class via Google classroom and if there is enough of you who want to, I would love to try to do a fun Kahoot game with you next week via Google Meets. So watch for the poll regarding that! It would be such a great opportunity for everyone to see each other again and have some fun!!
Each Monday I will be sending you an email just like this one, with some resources and opportunities you might be interested in. All work and involvement from now on is supplementary, but I really do encourage you to keep engaged and check some of the resources out. It is good practice for all of you to continue with your education, your classmates and your conversations with God. I had fun planning out our weeks using the following schedule which will include a few things a week for you posted in Google Classroom on the corresponding days.
Emailed and posted Memos and hellos!
I will post a great video resource to watch
Loyda 3 min retreats
This day is special and we will be doing different things each week.
During this time away from school, I encourage you to check out church services online. There are churches all around the city that are offering live virtual mass each week. This is an amazing opportunity for you to experience church from the comfort of your own home. Some are hosting it on their Facebook groups and some from YouTube! If you are watching any masses I would love for you to let me know which ones you have watched and your thoughts on virtual mass!
Keep your eyes on your emails and on Google classroom and until next time, stay safe and active.
Karen Jordan